News Blog
10/02/2022Darwin Day Assembly
On the 8th of February, Year 8 Aqua presented an assembly about Darwin day, which falls on the 12th. In their presentation, they covered the life of Charlse Darwin, a famous English naturalist born in Shrewsbury on the 12th of February 1809, and his contribution to science, namely his theory of evolution. His theory stemmed from an idea of his, which later got reinforced after a visit of his to the Galapagos islands. After his voyage, he wrote a book named ‘On the Origin of Species’ which covered his theory and provided an abundance of evidence he curated on his voyages to support it. Even though his book was written (and his theory conventionalised) over 160 years ago, it still provides copious amounts of information, and his theory has become a fundamental law in science and more specifically biology.
By Abe Afifi (Year 8)
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